
Order From Chaos

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness.” (Genesis 1:1-4) Out of darkness and disorder, God created light and life. He separated the waters from the waters to make room for a flourishing environment.


God created man in his image. Male and female he created them. They were the apple of his eye. He blessed them to work and keep the ground from which they were created. He placed them in the garden to enjoy His creation and subdue it — that same garden from which four rivers flowed, giving life to all the earth. God’s presence abided in the garden as the source and definer of all that is good. But humanity chose to define good and evil on their own terms and were expelled from the garden in fear and shame.

From Dust to Dust

God’s good creation was corrupted. The full radiance of his holy presence was no longer accessible. The perfect fruitfulness of the garden was no longer possible. The ground was cursed and would bring forth thorns and thistles for man who would have to toil in sweat to eat the produce of the ground until he returns to the ground. For we are dust and to dust we shall return. The seed of woman would always be at enmity with the seed of the snake and from her seed will come a snake crusher.

Choose Life

In this broken world we are all presented with a choice: Submit under the authority of sin and darkness or submit under the authority of the breath of God. If we choose to define good for ourselves, the sound of our broken relationships will reach the heavens like a cry breaking the Father’s heart. But if we choose to walk with God, doing good as he defines it, It will be to God a pleasing aroma. Either we can live under the chaotic waters of our evil desires, or live under the grace of God’s colorful covenant And so what will you choose? The fruit of death, or the fruit of life?

The Snake Crusher

Jesus, who perfectly submitted to the Father’s will, came to set the captives free. He went to the cross because only his death would be sufficient to pay the debt we owe to God for our rebellious ways. From his broken body flowed blood and water, bringing redemption and new life to all those who believe in him. The veil that once separated man from God was torn from top to bottom, making God’s glorious presence accessible to all through the Holy Spirit. This is the Good News.

On Earth as in Heaven

The lamb that was slain is now seated on the highest throne. There will be a day when all things are made new and there will be no need for lamp nor sun, for the Lord God will be our light. It will be Eden all over again. A river of life will flow from the throne of God and of the lamb and on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit. The dwelling place of God will be with man. It will be on earth as in heaven.




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